Election Corner: Write-In Period
Learn more about the November 3, 2020 Municipal Election. In this blog, learn about the candidate write-in period and how to become a write-in candidate.
Beginning September 7 and continuing through October 20, the City Clerk will hold a write-in period during which time individuals interested in running for City Council in their respective district may obtain, complete and file official documents to become a qualified write-in candidate for City Council in the November election.
During the write-in period, potential write-in candidates will be required to meet with the City Clerk (virtually or in person) to receive and complete official documentation, including a nomination petition bearing signatures from electors in their respective district. A qualified write-in candidate is a person who has submitted the required documentation to run for office, but whose name will not appear on the ballot. Write-in candidates are not permitted to submit a candidate statement or ballot designation to be published in the County voter guide or on the City’s election web page.
At the close of the write-in period, the County Elections Office is required to make a list of qualified write-in candidates available online and to have copies of the list available at Vote Centers. In addition, the City Clerk will post a list of qualified write-in candidates on the City’s election web page. To vote for a qualified write-in candidate who is not listed on the ballot, voters will write the candidate’s name in the space at the end of the candidate list and mark the corresponding selection on the ballot. The only write-in votes that will be counted are votes cast for candidates who are qualified.
For more information on the write-in period or the upcoming election, visit the 2020 Municipal Election Information page on our website.
For more information about Redwood City’s election districts, go here.