Meet the Redwood City Planning Commission
Apply today for one of two full-term seats on the Planning Commission expiring June 30, 2026
Have you ever wondered how a City decides where a new restaurant or housing development is located or whether or not new construction must contain certain features or characteristics? The Planning Commission plays a key role in how we create our local built community. Decisions and recommendations made by the Planning Commission result in new buildings, open spaces, changes in the types of development opportunities available throughout the City and much more.
The Planning Commission is an advisory body created by the Redwood City City Charter and comprised of seven members appointed by the City Council, each for a term of four years. The mission of the Planning Commission, as noted in the Commission bylaws, consists of three parts:
1. To strive for the best interest of the City of Redwood City and to evaluate all proposals as to the best interest of the entire community.
2. To maintain high moral and ethical standards and to ensure that honesty, integrity, reliability and forthrightness will govern the Commission’s contact with the public.
3. To permit all segments of the community to express their views and to respect such viewpoints from such segments.
Planning Commission meetings are held regularly on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. with additional meetings as needed. All members attend each meeting and publicly discuss items noticed on the Commission agenda.
Key functions of the Planning Commission include:
· Serving a quasi-judicial function and making decisions on land use entitlements and environmental documents;
· Making recommendations to the City Council on General Plan, and Zoning Ordinance amendments, new and amended specific plans or precise plans;
· Exercising additional powers and duties provided for by general laws of the State of California that are not in conflict with local procedures;
· Appointing members to the Architectural Advisory Committee and Historic Resources Advisory Committee.
The current Planning Commission goals developed in alignment with the City Council Strategic Priorities include Equity as a foundational guiding principle, as well as Housing, Transportation, and Children and Youth.
Ongoing and upcoming goals include:
1. Continuing collaboration with other City boards and commissions, such as the Historic Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC), the Architectural Advisory Committee (AAC), and the Housing and Human Concerns Committee (HHCC) through joint meetings
2. Ensuring ongoing professional training and development for Planning Commissioners through attendance at training and conferences
3. Adoption of the Housing Element, Environmental Justice Element and Safety Element
4. Amendments to the Downtown Precise Plan for the Gatekeeper development projects
5. Adoption of the Transit District Plan
6. Begin Central Redwood City Plan process
Community members who have a background or an interest in areas such as, but not limited to, community planning, zoning, housing, building, construction, and environmental impact should consider seeking appointment to the Planning Commission. Consider applying today!
Find out more!
· Attend a Planning Commission meeting — the agenda for the upcoming meeting on Tuesday, March 15 at 6:00 p.m. can be viewed here.
· View previous meeting agendas and minutes
· Review the current Planning Commission work plan
· Read the BCC Handbook
· Ask a current member of the Planning Commission about their experience
· Check out other available advisory body positions
· Contact the City Clerk’s Office for more information!