New Utility Billing System and Statement Design
As of September 1, the City launched our new utility billing system, TrueBill, as part of the overall financial system replacement. Compared to the current utility billing system, TrueBill is more user-friendly and has many new features that improve efficiency and increase transparency.
As you may recall from your May/June utility bill insert, the TrueBill go-live coincides with the introduction of the new utility billing statement design. Overall, the new billing statement has the same information, in addition to other items to simplify presentation and increase transparency.
Along with the new design, customer account numbers will also be changing from six to nine digits with a dash, i.e. #######-##. To prevent any unpaid or delayed payment of utility bills, customers will need to update your account number for any bill payments scheduled directly through your financial institution.
Customers already enrolled in our online bill payment system, InfoSend, will not be required to make any changes as the system will be updated with the new account number and format. Customers are advised to reference your new account number on checks when paying by phone through our new automated Integrated Voice Recognition (IVR) system, or when calling Revenue Services directly.
Below is a sample of the new bill statement, with some of the changes highlighted. Go here for more information about utility services and rates.
For more information about utility services, go here.
For more information about current utility rates, go here.