Study Session: Potential Bayfront Park and County Navigation Center

City of Redwood City
5 min readNov 7, 2020


Over the past three years, Redwood City and the County of San Mateo have discussed a potential property exchange of two properties in the Inner Harbor area of the City — the City’s 3.29-acre parcel at 1402 Maple Street and the County’s 2.00-acre parcel at 1580 Maple Street.

The City has an interest in preserving more of its parcel (1402 Maple Street) for recreational, open space and waterfront uses; building the Blomquist extension to create increased access to the waterfront and the Bair Island neighborhood; and, partnering with the County on homeless services.

County officials conveyed their vision for a navigation center, transitional housing and permanent supportive affordable housing for residents with mental illness on their parcel (1580 Maple Street).

What is the Blomquist Extension?

The Extension would extend Blomquist Street from Maple Street to Bair Island Road through a vehicular bridge. Extending Blomquist Street is identified in the Citywide Transportation Plan, rwcMoves, as a key project to improve circulation east of Highway 101, and creates additional access for residents to enjoy the waterfront. This Extension meets identified goals of enhanced connectivity and safety. It also creates a second access point to the Bair Island neighborhood, which will enhance emergency response times, improve livability for the residents, and improve overall access to and from the area; this improvement is critical for both existing and future uses of the area. The Blomquist Extension is designed to support neighborhood traffic needs, including traffic calming elements.

For the City of Redwood City, this exchange would allow Phase 1 construction of the Blomquist Street Extension, but would require the demolition of an existing County facility currently servicing a homeless shelter. The County would require a new homeless shelter location.

What’s Happened Since July 13, 2020?

Following City Council action on July 13, 2020, the City Owned Property Ad Hoc Committee has been meeting with County representatives regarding potential property exchange options that would enable the Blomquist Extension, creation of a new homeless navigation center, and preserving a large area for open space in the Inner Harbor area.

The Committee asked staff to develop three potential land exchange options for consideration and feedback during the scheduled Study Session. These options involve using the parcel located at 1402 Main Street for active/passive recreation and open space, a potential navigation center, and transitional and supportive housing. Depending on which option the Council prefers, the City could retain between 8.6 and 9.8 acres of property to develop for public use.

Option 1

This is the proposed 1402 Maple Street parcel boundary that came before the City Council on July 13. The eastern boundary line is 60 feet west from the state land property line next to the waterfront. In this option, the County would receive 3.29 acres. This would provide space for public serving purposes, such as a potential navigation center, transitional housing, and permanent supportive affordable housing. This also allows the City to utilize approximately 8.6 acres of potential area for future active/passive recreation and open space.

Option 1

Option 2

This option preserves more recreational space than Option 1, as the eastern boundary line is 200 feet west from the state land property line next to the waterfront. In this option, the County would receive 2.2 acres, which would provide space for public serving purposes, such as a potential navigation center and transitional housing. This allows the City to utilize approximately 9.8 acres of potential area for future active/passive recreation and open space.

Option 2

Option 3

This option preserves more recreational space than Option 1, but slightly less recreational space than Option 2, as the eastern boundary line is 200 feet west from the state land property line next to the waterfront. In this option, the County would receive 2.4 acres, which would provide space for public serving purposes, such as a potential navigation center and transitional housing. This allows the City to utilize approximately 9.5 acres of potential area for future active/passive recreation and open space.

Option 3

What will be discussed on Monday night?

During the Study Session, the City Council will discuss and provide City staff guidance for potential next steps based on the following questions:

  • Does the City Council support the concept of a land swap that would support public waterfront access, new open space and initiatives to address the challenges related to homelessness?
  • Does the City Council support developing plans for future community engagement on park and open space area on public property in the Inner Harbor Area?
  • If the Council supports both of these, which of the exchange options does the City Council prefer?

Join the Conversation

Please join us on Monday, November 9, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.

To maximize time for live public comment, we encourage members of the public to provide comments by joining the City Council meeting via Zoom.

  • For web, visit, select “Join” and enter Meeting ID 992 5100 2654. Use the Raise Hand feature to request to speak. You may rename your profile if you wish to remain anonymous.
  • For dial-in comments, call *67 (669) 900–6833 (your phone number will appear on the live broadcast if *67 is not dialed prior to the phone number), enter Meeting 992 5100 2654 and press *9 to request to speak.

All public comments are subject to a 3-minute time limit unless otherwise determined by the Mayor.

If you wish to submit written public comment, please send an email to the City Council at Please indicate the corresponding agenda item # in the subject line of your email. Any public comment regarding agenda items that are received from the publication of the agenda through the meeting date will be made part of the meeting record, but will not be read during the Council meeting.

The full staff report can be viewed here (Agenda Item 7.A).



City of Redwood City
City of Redwood City

Written by City of Redwood City

Official thoughts and communications from the heart of the Peninsula. “Climate Best by Government Test”.

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